Aalto spring2019
- Apr 23, 2019
jtn authored8ef336a6
jtn authored
The tracking starts from the first day of the weather data, and tracks if enough days have passed. If enough days have passed, the effect of tillage will be changed from Tillage to TillageEffectAfter parameter in the configuration file. TillageEffectDays sets the number of days for this to happen. If the effect is not wanted in a model run, it can be disabled by setting the timeTillageEffects parameter to false. By default, the effect is in use.
- Apr 12, 2019
jtn authored
Inn FinnCerealModels the different risk levels have been added. Now the model will give a low level warning if accumulated risk is over 50 and a high level warning if the accumulated risk is over 100. The model-constants has been modified to use new values for calculating the accumulated risk value from the daily risk value.